Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Blog surfing

I've no idea what this Portuguese site is about, but they seem to be having fun!
� a vida ( a picture's worth a thousand words...)


Kinder said...

Hi turpidity and welcome to our humble blog. I was surfing trough your blog and i've discovered that we've have so much things in common: we both talk about nothing! But i'm having trouble to understand what is you blog about.
Well, cheers...

Kinder said...

It's Christmas time! And my best wishes to 2006!!!! Feliz Natal e um excelente 2006 são os nossos mais profundos desejos (Babel Fish this!)

Reinu said...

Caro Turpinus,

As I told you in my answer to your comments, I barely speak Portuguese, and I can’t speak English. I was trying to answer you with gestual language, but my knowledge of the photoshop is also very limited.
I will never understand why they let me write in the “É a vida” blog, because I almost can’t read. Because of that, I am so grateful to Kinder and Se Faz Favor. And I am also very grateful to you, tanks to your visit.
Feliz Natal e um Bom Ano Novo.